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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Young cocky doctors and why they are bad for the entire country

I am touching on this subject for a brief moment before I really rip into it hard and take my time to write a decent article on it; so here's your preview.

Doctors; we all need them - lets face it. But none of us ever like going to them. I work in a doctors office and yet I never understand why we bother asking patients "how are you today?" when they come in for a visit, if they were anything other than bad/shitty/sick/terrible/dying - then why the f**k would they be there?

The problem with doctors is ego. For decades doctors have been a sort of 'big shot' character - with expensive cars, tons of money and overall just being the one who calls the shots. Well that has had a huge effect on the ego of the type of people who decide to become doctors. My office has several surgeons fresh out of their residencies, and I have never met anyone in my entire life had; such a loud mouth, so little tact, so little common sense, so little compassion for people, and such a hotshot mentality.

You might think having a doctor who has self confidence is good. Well you're 100% correct - but you are also blind to the fact that these young energetic 'go-getter' type surgeons and physicians - are victims of what I would call the 'small man' syndrome; merely compensating for their own insecurities; and I have seen each of them on multiple occasions get themselves into cases that were way WAY over their heads simply because they wanted to be the cowboy.

Why would I say such a seemingly mean thing? Because truth be told - as surgeons; if I we're dying on the ground and they were the only doctors around, I would just say no thanks!

More on this to come!!!!!

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